More Than a Memorial … an Experience

Artist’s Conceptual Design

Our vision for the National Service Animals Memorial is to create a moving and inspiring experience that is a “must-see” destination in the nation’s Capital. We envision a park-like or city plaza setting with pathways leading to beautiful bronze sculptures of service animals, depicting the many ways these amazing creatures aid and protect our nation and citizens.

From working dogs and assistance animals to war horses and dolphins, this monument will honor all service animals and inform visitors of their historical significance. Informational plaques and a mobile app will tell incredible true stories of these unsung heroes and the important roles they have played in events throughout American history.

Honoring Our Nation’s Service Animals & Their Handlers

Since the founding of our country, service animals such as dogs, cats, horses, mules, homing pigeons, dolphins, sea lions and others have provided vital assistance to veterans, persons with disabilities, search and rescue, military, and law enforcement. They have been performing essential duties and untold acts of valor alongside America’s citizens and officers for centuries.

These unsung heroes have served society, saved lives, and fought and died for our country. They are deserving of the highest honor and respect.

“The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way it treats their animals.” Mahatma Gandhi


Service Animals
Service Animals


National Service Animals Memorial
National Service Animals Memorial


National Service Animals Memorial

After my diagnosis of PTSD I became even more isolated and depressed and rarely left my home. Hero helps me with walking and has helped me regain my confidence. I am now back to doing many of the things I used to do and love. We are inseparable and I am grateful daily for his love and…licks.”


National Service Animals Memorial Act passed as part of Omnibus bill on Dec 23, 2022

With the passage of The National Service Animals Memorial Act on December 23, 2022, NSAM achieves the all-important and necessary acknowledgment and approval by Congress for us to build the memorial on federal land in Washington DC.  Although the Act was “rolled in” to the omnibus appropriations bill funding our government, there is no public funding for the memorial. NSAM will now turn its focus to creating and implementing a Capital Campaign to attain private funding for this new historic site.

NSAM is grateful for the bipartisan support from the members of Congress who sponsored and co-sponsored our bill: Senator Blumenthal (D-CT), Senator Blackburn (R-TN), Senator Booker (D-NJ), Senator Peters (D-MI), Senator Padilla (D-CA), Representative Wild (D-PA), Representative Mace (R-SC), Representative Harder (D-CA), Representative DeGette (D-CO), and Representative Levin (D-CA). We also offer a nod of gratitude to the legislative staff and federal employees for their guidance and support throughout the entire process.

H.R. 2617  SEC. 704


(a) IN GENERAL.—The National Service Animals Memorial Corporation (referred to in this section the ‘‘Corporation’’) may establish a commemorative work on Federal land in the District of Columbia and its environs to commemorate the heroic deeds and sacrifices of service animals and handlers of service animals in the United States.

(b) COMPLIANCE WITH STANDARDS FOR COMMEMORATIVE WORKS.—The establishment of the commemorative work under this section shall be in accordance with chapter 89 of title 40, United States Code (commonly known as the ‘‘Commemorative Works Act’’).


(1) IN GENERAL.—Federal funds may not be used to pay any expense of the establishment of the commemorative work under this section.

(2) RESPONSIBILITY OF THE NATIONAL SERVICE ANIMALS MONUMENT CORPORATION.—The Corporation shall be solely responsible for the acceptance of contributions for, and payment of the expenses of, the establishment of the commemorative work under this section.


(1) IN GENERAL.—If, on payment of all expenses for the establishment of the commemorative work under this section (including the maintenance and preservation amount required by section 8906(b)(1) of title 40, United States Code), there remains a balance of funds received for the establishment of the commemorative work, the Corporation shall transmit the amount of the balance to the Secretary for deposit in the account provided for in section 8906(b)(3) of that title.

(2) ON EXPIRATION OF AUTHORITY.—If, on expiration of the authority for the commemorative work under section 8903(e) of title 40, United States Code, there remains a balance of funds received for the establishment of the commemorative work under this section, the Corporation shall transmit the amount of the balance to a separate account with the National Park Foundation for memorials, to be available to the Secretary or the Administrator of General Services, as appropriate, in accordance with the process provided in paragraph (4) of section 8906(b) of that title for accounts established under 18 paragraph (2) or (3) of that section. ###