Thank You!
We enjoyed a memorable afternoon event with fabulous food and wine as we recognized national service animal leaders and animal heroes with the Purple Poppy Awards! September 27, 2024
Thank you to all who came to help build the National Service Animals Memorial in our nation’s Capital to honor the sacrifices and service of animals and handlers throughout U.S. history.
To view all photos from the event, click here
Photos by: Norm Levin, NaturalPortaitsandEvents.com
We are grateful to Gilbert L. Purcell and Roxanne Sheridan Purcell for providing their stunning historical home for our event.
Animal of the Year:
Sully H.W. Bush of America’s VetDogs
Person of the Year:
Wilma Melville of the National Disaster Search Dog Foundation
Organization of the Year:
Pet Partners
Visionary Award:
Bill McCulloch
Local Hero Award:
Marin Humane
Hall of Fame Awards:
Lucca, War Dog-Afghanistan and Iraq
Pooli, WWII Navy Cat
Blackjack: Caisson Horse of the Old Guard
Military Academy Mascots:
Ranger & Stryker-Mules: U.S. West Point Academy
Bill I-XXXVII Goat-U.S. Navy Academy Annapolis
Objee-Bear- U.S. Coast Guard Academy
Salty the Sea Eagle- U.S. Merchant Marine Academy
Chesty I-XVI-Bulldog-U.S. Marine Corps
Nova-Falcon-U.S. Air Force Academy
Thank you to our Sponsors!
A SPECIAL THANK YOU to our gracious hosts Gil Purcell and Roxanne Sheridan Purcell. Thanks to David Frei, Camila Boleas, Ed Boracchia of Illigent InfoTech, LLC, Pet Partners Therapy Dog Team, Beth Patterson Design, Cynthia Kennedy Artemis Studios Creative, MJ Bogatin, Esq., Norm Levin Photography, Richard Leiter Words and Music, Javier Perez Page-Turner Publicity, the Volunteers at Marin Humane, Aron Taub, Ken Taub, Marcia Deering Awards Coordinator, and the NSAM Board of Directors and Advisors!
THANK YOU ALSO TO OUR GENEROUS LOCAL SILENT AUCTION DONORS: Gil Purcell and Roxanne Sheridan Purcell, Pegasus Leather, Leah and Aaron Lamstein, Ann Wathen, Laurie Greenhut, Artist Sue Averell, Poggio Restaurant, Spinnaker Restaurant, Angelinos Restaurant, Casa Madrona Spa, Maria Goodavage, David Frei, Trader Joe’s, Book Passage Bookstore & Café, Montecito Nails, Sports Basement, Hanson Vodka, Pet Club Food and Supplies, and Susan Bahary.
Couldn’t attend the event but
want to show your support?

Winners and Press Coming Soon

The Memorial
Education Program
Let's Build It!
Ways To Give
Contact Us
5662 Calle Real #105
Goleta, CA 93117
Email: info@NSAMproject.org
Phone: 202-774-1992
NSAM is a 501 (c)(3) non-profit organization.
EIN #27-4620979