We are proud of the support we have received from individuals, organizations, and foundations sharing our commitment to build the first memorial in the nation’s Capital honoring the critical work of all service animals and their handlers from the founding of our country to the present. Thank you for helping us make history in creating this lasting national treasure that will inspire and inform generations to come.
Enduring Legacy Circle
$500,000- $999,999
$100,000- $499,999
United States War Dogs Association
$25,000- $99,999
Jill Kramer
$5,000- $24,999
America’s VetDogs
Audi/Volkswagen Marin
Susan Bahary
Bergin College of Canine Studies
Canine Companions
Daughters of the American Revolution
Everything Audio Visual
Guide Dog Foundation
Kennel Club of Philadelphia
Paws for Purple Hearts
Project K-9 Hero
Mark Quattroocchi
$1,000- $4,999
Rhonda Alderman
Sandi Wynne Bell
Boardwalk Auto Group
Jessica and Bruce Cohan
Dan and Ellen Crown
Robert Thomas Dulebohn
Bob Evans
Adam Fusinato
Laurie Greenhut
Aaron and Leah Lamstein
Andra Lew
National Society of the Children of the American Revolution
Pet Emergency Specialty Center of Marin
Santa Barbara Glass
Anne Radice and Stephanie Stebich
Ann and John Wathen
up to $999
Terri Adams
John Aguilera
Teri Ahrens
Scot Aiken
Nigel Allsopp
Pamela Alvich
Kimberly Amodio
Carol Battistini
Sabine Becker
Kaitlyn Beer
Ginny Biondo
Donna Blatz
Stephen Bluto
Lynn Bocknik-Jenkins
MJ Bogatin
Theresa Brandon
James Brenia
Glenda F. Brown
Shelley Brown
Nikki Brucato
Monica Burdine
Kevin Butscher
Christine Carrington
Central Ohio Kennel Club
Sheila Cerjanec
Julie Chacko
Keth Chamberlin
Veneita Chapin
Steven Cherwon
Larry Chilcoat
Kelly Childress
Sheila Churchill
Colleen Clark
Andrea Cobos
Patricia Cochran
Gayle Cooley
Robyn Cottier
Jane Couser
Janet Crisman
Rosanna & George Craig
Cindy & Sal Culcasi
Margaret Cullom-Levine
Keith Ribnick & Dave Van Duyn
Cameron DeBlasio
Christina Deedrichsen
Denny DeMay
Kathryn Donley
Hope Dougherty
Kristin Doyle
Michelle Dube
Shannon Dubya
William Dumas
Edward Dyson
Leslie Eddy
John Edwards
Stefanie Edwards
Charles Ellis
Mark Ellis
Beth Fenn
Jean Ferguson
Anastasia Fink
Michael & Kay Finn
Diane Fitzpatrick
Richard Foley
Judy Fong
Marian Fourman
Robert Friar
Cathileen Fridono
Phyllis Friedman
Gottfriede Fuerst
Jessica Furby
Tania Gabbay
Jennifer Garcia
Kathie Giles
Francesca Gillum
Vernon Gilmore
Jan Giunipero
Cynthia Gonzalez
Luanne Good
Gittel Goodman
Laurie Greenhut
Geri Grendon
Tara Guglich
Marianne Haines
Sarah Harrison
Brian & Carly Hart
George R. Haynes, Ph.D
Robin Hayward
Ann Heiss
Ray Hemphill
Alison Heyniger
Elizabeth Hoon
Anne Hutchinson Chapter, NSDAR
Kay Johnson
Eliot Kaplan
Sally Kazanis
Cynthia Kelly
Tina Marie Kelly
Cynthia Kennedy
Diana Kleinwaks
Gary Koenigsdorf
Karen Kohagura
Jim Kuiken
Kathleen Lam
Kathy Lam
Aaron Lamstein
Leah Lamstein
Viviana & Tom Lang
Gillian Larson
Jeanne Lawrence
Jennifer Lawson-Wilson
Travis Lax
Lynette Leber
Mary J Lipscomb
Jennifer Long
Gail Loofbourrow
Dave and Jane Lutz
Elizabeth Macalaster
Joe Mackey
Kelly Jo Macy
Cheryl Marie
Leticia Materi
Stephanie Mauro
Kathee McBride
Teri McCartney
Elizabeth McFarland
Alex McVeigh
Wilma Melville
Judie Mindrum
Graham Nathan
Dr. Joan Nathan
Angela Nicklos
Charlie Oewel
Takanori Ohkubo
Sheri O’Saben
Lisa Parker-Gummere
Linda Palma
Gretchen Paulson
Johnna Paulson
Paulette Penzes
Tonya Perry
Linda Pintarell
Joe Polanin
Betsy Putney
Julie Reager
Cary Rentola
Pam Rice
Patricia Rinere
Beckie Roberts
Lance and Laura Roberts
Dawn Rodriguez
Barbara Rocco
Captain Austin Roe Society
Wendy Roemer
Dr. Nathan Roth
Yardena Roth
Lita Rouser
Kimo Sanderson
Anne Saxe
Shirley Scarbrough
Margie Shahin
Diane Shomo
Sue Sinden
Leslie Smith
Martin Smith
Bonnie Solars
Debbie Spoonhour
Mike Stanton
St. John’s Evangelical Lutheran
Church Ladies Aide
Elizabeth Stilwagen
Katherine Sullivan
Linda Taggart
Amy Tamanaha
Kathy Tamayo
Ken Taub
Marcia Tenner
Kathy Thistlethwaite
Kristi Thornbury
Ted Uyeno
Jorieke Vennik
Rick Wagner
Richard Wahl
Edna Wallace
Bruce Walsh
Nina Warren
Mehri Weil
Philip Weitlauf
Dianna Whitney – Jennings
James Wiggins
Michael Willet
Colin Williams
Bob Wohlstadter
Marcia Wynne – Deering
Jillian Yates
Ashlie Zhang
The Memorial
Education Program
Let's Build It!
Ways To Give
Contact Us
5662 Calle Real #105
Goleta, CA 93117
Phone: 202-774-1992
NSAM is a 501 (c)(3) non-profit organization.
EIN #27-4620979